We’d love to meet you!

Lighthouse Kids Fridays during school term

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What is it?

Lighthouse Kids is the best way for a year 3-6 kid to make friends and have a heap of fun every Friday arvo! Come along any Friday of the school term for epic games, tasty food, hectic Bible skits, and hanging out with friends.

Lighthouse Kids starts at 4:15pm at The Hub (3 Arizona Rd, Charmhaven) every Friday during school term. We can’t wait to see you there!

Lighthouse Kids

Time: 4:15-6pm

Location: The Hub – 3 Arizona Rd, Charmhaven

Who for? Years 3-6 primary school aged kids

Cost: $2 includes dinner & other activities
Pay per week, eftpos available. Or pay for the whole term all in one go!

If you have questions contact us lighthousekidscentralcoast@gmail.com or 0434 037 571

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What's on this week?

Each week at Lighthouse Kids we have a different theme making the arvo even more awesome. Check out Facebook or Instagram for what the theme is for this week!

Who will be looking after my child?

Lighthouse Kids is run by Matt Greenwood and a team of highly trained volunteers who attend Lighthouse Church and all have a Working With Children Check. They are always updated on safe practices for working with kids. Josh and the team enjoy making Lighthouse Kids an epic Friday. The team loves getting to know kids who come to Lighthouse Kids and are ready to have a lot of fun.

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My child has food allergies

We aim for all the food at Lighthouse Kids to be nut-free and egg-free and we will also cater for Gluten-free and Dairy-free diets. If your child has further diet restrictions, let us know and we will accommodate the best we can.

I'd like to come along

On your child’s first arvo head to the ‘rego’ desk. There, we ask you to fill out a registration form, which includes basic information and contact details for emergencies etc. Or you can skip the queue and fill it out now!

If you have questions contact us 



or 0434 037 571

What we're up to