This page is really just for the regulars at Lighthouse Church. If you are just looking into Jesus for the first time, we would love you to come along to church one Sunday and not think too much about money and giving.
For the regulars, there are two ways you can give by the giving box or internet giving. Most people at church give electronically by direct deposit.
Bank details for direct deposit
Internet banking allows you to set up automatic weekly/monthly or one off payments to the Lighthouse Church bank accounts. Ensure the “Payee” name is Lighthouse Church and use the appropriate account (below).
Account name | BSB | Account Number |
General Giving | 032505 | 247443 |
Building Fund | 704922 | 100018303 |
Church Planting | 032505 | 270686 |
The Fields | 032505 | 270678 |
Rick & Ellen | 032627 | 484818 |
Intern – Jeremy | 032627 | 433180 |
MTS – James | 032627 | 482791 |
School Scripture (Anna Davis) Events Account (Please mark ‘Primary SRE’) | 032505 | 282791 |
Giving Box on Sundays (cash)
Money placed directly into the giving box will go to General Giving. If you would like to give to anything else please use the envelopes beside the boxes (or take some home) and specify on the envelope where you’d like the money to go.
Event Payments
For Lighthouse Church conferences and events we have a separate account to receive payments into. Please include your name and an abbreviation of the event with any payments.
Account name | BSB | Account Number |
Lighthouse Church | 032505 | 282791 |